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44 hardware manufacturers apply for Indian market entry under PLI scheme amid import restrictions


Following recent government restrictions on laptop and tablet imports, it has come to light that a total of 44 hardware manufacturers. It includes global players, have submitted applications for manufacturing operations in India under the PLI scheme.

Strong Interest from Leading Laptop Companies in PLI scheme

Sources disclosed that prominent laptop companies have registered for the PLI scheme. With some prepared to initiate manufacturing in India at any moment. Additionally, global server companies have expressed intentions to establish India. As an export hub for servers, according to an official statement.

Deadline and Government’s Optimism on PLI scheme

Sources indicate that the deadline for applying to the INR 17,000 Crore PLI scheme for IT hardware manufacturing is August 30. The government remains optimistic about the scheme’s potential for hardware production, drawing inspiration from the successful outcomes witnessed in the mobile phone manufacturing sector.

Government’s Stance on Imports and Registration Mandates

This development closely follows the government’s imposition of registration mandates for importing laptops, tablets, and personal computers. The move is rooted in the government’s goal to diminish import reliance, boost domestic laptop and PC manufacturing. And address security concerns related to imported hardware.

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Growth Prospects and Market Dynamics

India’s laptop and tablet market is poised for significant growth, with a projected annual increase of over 11%. Despite this growth, a substantial portion of the products remains imported. To tap into this potential, the government has introduced incentives to attract foreign investments and bolster local manufacturing.

Counterpoint Research reports that India’s domestic laptop and PC market is valued at approximately $8 billion annually, with around 65% of units being imported. Notable foreign players like Lenovo, HP, Dell, and Apple dominate this sector. But the government’s efforts aim to promote local manufacturing and reduce import dependence.

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