Teas are all the rage these days. People are finally realizing that teas are nature’s best refreshment. Moksa has a great variety of teas for you to revitalize and recharge. Moksa provides plant-based products that help you relax and reach your peak state while being respectful and non-exploitative of the resources that are used. Moksa was conceived to provide products with visibly effective results which are perceived through the unconscious mind, as one feels the effect in their mind-body, and soul when Moksa products are consumed. The range of exotic, unique, and gourmet blends go through the process of procurement and tasting, by the palette of experience of 25 years, with the passion to get the most effective plant combinations and without any toxic or non-toxic elements. The procurement is done taking utmost care of purity. They have tested their diversified range, and are confident that when consumers start including these products in their daily routine, they can “EXPECT MIRACLES”. Moksa sources and procures the raw materials from hilly regions of Uttarakhand, Himachal, and West Bengal. Here they are for you to consider.The CHAMOMILE FLOWERS TEA is for good sleep. It is also used in folk medicine for thousands of years, Chamomile as a botanical is a great source of flavone antioxidants, it induces sleep, improves digestion, manages diabetes, relieves stress and anxiety. Its major benefits are
Nourishes the skin
Helps get better sleep
Anti-inflammatory properties
Helps during seasonal cold
The other is STIMULATING DETOX TEA for detox from medicines and acidity. The goodness of herbs used in traditional medicine come together in the form of Stimulating Detox tea to give you soloution for all the toxins accumulated in your body. It’s made up of Tulsi, Ashwagandha, Nettle leaves, Moringa, Gymnena. Its benefits are
Helps fight infections
Anti-inflammatory properties
Detoxifies the body
One is ORANGE MINT GREEN TEA good for Vitamin E. A refreshingly delicious swig of green tea with fresh spring mint and zesty citrus notes from succulent oranges is calming, fragrant and satisfying thirst quencher that can be enjoyed at any time of the day. Its made up of Orange peels, Green tea & Mint leaves. Its major Benefits:
Full of antioxidants
Boosts immunity
Aids in weight loss
Moksa also have PANACEA TEA, the goddess of healing by way of curative medicine in Greek mythology is said to carry a magic potion, which she used to heal people with any illness, always affording comfort, calmness, and consolation. The major ingredients of this tea is Fennel, Cloves, Mint, Black Pepper, Ginger, Licorice. Its Benefits are:
Boosts immunity
Anti-inflammatory properties
helps ease seasonal illness
One we have TURMERIC BLACK TEA for immunity punch made up of Turmeric, Black pepper and Black tea. A warm, bitter, pepper-like flavor and sweet earthy mustard-like aroma, this colorful bright-hued tea brightens the day and intensifies the inner happiness. A good antidote to stress!
Full of antioxidants
Boosts immunity
Anti-bacteria properties
Their products can be bought online from amazon, flipkart, snapdeal, qtrove, vegan dukan and on their own website.
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