Mumbai (Maharashtra) , January 03: A gripping tale of mystery, friendship, and betrayal unfolds in Subhobroto Mazumder’s debut novel, The Affairs of Baxiganj. Set against the evocative backdrop of the late 1980s and early 1990s in the remote and...
New Delhi , January 03: Author Daniel Lichtenberg Lisy announces the release of his transformative book, Tao of Mysticism: The Way of Agnostic Universalism. This groundbreaking work transcends religious and cultural boundaries, offering readers a unique perspective on mysticism...
Kolkata (West Bengal) , January 03: Indobell Insulations Limited, a prominent manufacturer and contractor of specialized insulation products, has launched its Initial Public Offering (IPO) on the BSE SME platform. The IPO aims to raise ₹1,014.30 lakhs through the issuance...
Palghar (Maharashtra) , January 03: The Palghar Police, under the visionary leadership of Balasaheb Patil, Superintendent of Police, Palghar, Maharashtra State, have successfully launched the ‘Jan Samwaad Abhiyaan’ (Community Dialogue Campaign), a groundbreaking initiative designed to bridge the communication gap...
Mumbai (Maharashtra) , January 03: The Iconic Gold Awards, India’s premium award show annual event celebrating excellence in the entertainment industry, is excited to announce its new partnership with Zee5 for exclusive streaming rights. This collaboration will provide fans...