The most popular musical reality show on Malayalam television, SaReGaMaPa Keralam Little Champs aired by Zee Keralam had entered into the quarter-finals. Adding to the excitement, the show is all set to feature an eminent panel of judges with big names for the finals. The panel includes Maestro Ouseppachan, music director Jassie Gift, Sudeep Kumar and actor Remya Nambeesan. The show, launched by Kerala’s leading entertainment channel Zee Keralam, has already earned much traction among the audience and viewers by introducing promising talents and budding singers.

The promo of the finals recently appeared online has also become the talk of the town on social media. All four members of the judging panel are renowned artists who are well accepted by the Malayalee audience. They were awe-struck watching the performance of the young talents who were seen in the promo video. Aishwarya, Anagha, Anavadhya, Anusree, Avani, Hamdan, Niya, Richa, Sanjay and Tehzin are the top 10 contestants battling to make sure to mark their name in the semi– finals.

Zee Keralam’s most prestigious musical reality show SaReGaMaPa Keralam Li’l Champs has conquered the hearts of the people in a short period. Zee Keralam has never compromised in entertaining its audience with a variety of programmes for all seasons. The viewers are looking forward to seeing the new judges and their favourite contestants perform.  aReGaMaPa Keralam Li’l Champs will telecast every Saturday and Sunday at Zee Keralam Channel .