GreenLoop Hydroponics – growing soil-free, pesticide-free veggies… in urban homes


Urban life is so devoid of “life”. Living in confined apart apartment spaces and the rigors of daily chores saps energy. Vacationing to nature reserves is refreshing, but how often can we go away? Is there no way to create a growing nature right in our homes?

Hydroponics is the practical technique to introduce love of nature in one’s life.

Hydroponics makes it possible to grow lush green & bountiful veggies & leafy plants at home. It’s not same as soil gardening – where results are slow. Hydroponic plants grow many times faster than in soil. We can practically see the growth on daily basis! And its no-mess, as it’s soil-free. Also, hydroponics is practically pesticide-free. That’s because maximum diseases come from soil. No-soil in hydroponics, means no need of pesticides.

Fast results, no-soil, no-mess, pesticide-free, and lush greens. That’s what hydroponics perfect for city people – who live in apartments, do not have access to lawn gardens, and want results fast. Or to create intense flower beds – hydroponics is the way.

Pleasure of seeing your plants growing up on daily basis – gives a joy that’s unparalleled. Seeing & plucking big round tomato clusters growing & ripening in your own balcony, gives the high that can only be experienced. Not only the lush plants, you’ll see healthy white roots of plants growing into the water solution. You’ll even see roots of adjacent plants entwining and interacting with each other. You’ll then agree with Cleve Backster – who first proved that plants react to surroundings and to human thoughts.

Wouldn’t be an exaggeration to call Hydroponics a perfect “life” elevator. That’s why it’s picking up so rapidly.

Earlier, Hydroponics used to be a difficult & limited to professionals. Availability of right information used to be scarce. But that’s past. GreenLoop has totally un-complicated hydroponics, and made it possible for every “new kid in town” to practice it right-away in their homes.

Just mix the special GreenLoop hydroponic nutrients in water that is held in a small tank, and plant roots grow in it directly. Growing tomatoes & spinach round the year is easy. Or grow strawberries & lettuce in winters. Growing cucumbers, gourds, okra, brinjal is for summers. Right in apartment balconies or terraces, without requiring greenhouses and without no prior experience or knowledge. Because GreenLoop provides all the information with the nutrients that they provide. All that’s required is a passion for nature, passion to grow your own plants from seeds, and just about an hour of time to study the material provided free by GreenLoop.

GreenLoop specializes in Hydroponic Nutrients, that makes hydroponics so effective & easy. Nutrients are the heart of hydroponics. GreenLoop provides free information through their website & youtube channel, for anyone to make their own home hydroponic system. For people who do not have the time to DIY, GreenLoop provides ready-made hydroponic kits for home use. GreenLoop products are available online on amazon.

Founder: Aparna Aggarwal

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