In Conversation with Karishma Nayar- Instagram Influencer, Fashion enthusiast and Mom Blogger


It is not easy to pen down your thoughts and deliver the message to an open audience to engage, like, and share. Doing this with a kid is a next-level thing. Pandemic not only shook the world for professionals but it also impacted women big time especially the younger women who now have to handle more and more things. But hats off to those women who managed it well and pursued their passion. Today we are going to talk about a similar person who is not only mom, but a blogger, influencer, and a working professional too. Introducing Mrs. Karishma Nayar to share her journey

Please introduce yourself to our readers?

Karishma Nayar, 30, a working professional, a mom blogger, and before all of that, Mama to Gurbani.

What inspired you to choose this industry?

When I became a mom, people had a lot to tell me about motherhood, and they told me how motherhood is the end of your career and all other things to do with you, how the only thing I could now focus on was my baby. Then I decided to bring back my passion into work and took to Instagram to prove it to the world that it’s not the end. Motherhood is the beginning of a new you, and there isn’t a thing that moms cannot do. Whether it’s work, house, kids, or family, women can manage everything. We are the new-age mommies. We know our kitchen and economy equally.

Do you think that it is tough to pursue your dreams and passion after being a mom?

Pursuing your dreams is, either way, tough, but with a good schedule, diligence, planning, and focus, we can still be great moms to our kids while honoring our dreams and ourselves.

Tell us how you handle a baby and work from home?

I have an excellent emotional support system in my husband. Many times I feel like giving up because Gurbani (my daughter) is acting up in academics and or maybe my numbers aren’t moving up on Instagram, making me feel discouraged, and he makes sure he motivates me back into my best pumped up self and other times helps me a lot with the legal side of this career. Finding a mentor or people who will encourage you and help you keep going is a great help. Look for these people in your life because you will need them when the challenges of motherhood and life converge and nothing seems to be going your way.

How do you handle failures?

Unlike every coin, success also has one more side, failure.

Moms always have mood swings. Sometimes you feel like an independent adult who can do it all on her own back to feel almost childlike and dependent on others. I remember creating this one piece of content at 12 in the night three times straight because it got rejected for some reason or the other while having guests in my house and my staff on leave. It’s easy to feel put-upon and angry. Juggling so many roles can be frustrating but seldom. The love for what I do keeps me consistent and happy to be doing this every day. Let me tell you that it is the fastest-growing industry. One needs to be consistent; if you have the zeal or passion for being an influencer, don’t wait for the right time to post, be ready and adaptive to the industry rules.

Your take on Influencer Industry in the next five years?

If you look closely, the industry is not new. We all need an influencer in our life, and this journey starts from our childhood. The platform can be different, but influencers will always be there to keep you entertained and influence you to follow your passion. Isn’t it amazing! A mom, whom everyone has told to forget herself and keep her family ahead of her, managing everything together with so much passion and perfection.


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