Know the facts about treating drinking and non-drinking water


Treating drinking water

We all purify water before drinking, because we all know the fact that water contains many contaminates which can cause bad health to us. Methods of purifying the water may differ; it could be the use of RO water purifier, UV filter, Gravity filters, boiling and many more. Basis the level of contamination and affordability we all select method of purifying the water. Most Water Purifier brands have communicated a lot over the last two decades the importance of purifying drinking water.

Popularity of Alkaline water

Recently technology has further advanced, and people are made aware of benefits of drinking Alkaline water. It is known that RO water Purifiers removes all important minerals from water, although water is purified but it becomes acidic and hence becomes cause of many diseases.  Hence most brands have now started providing Alkaline cartridges, which adds important minerals and changes acidic water into Alkaline. The cost of ROs due to addition of these Alkaline cartridges has not change much, so it is advised that people should only buy those water purifiers which has this facility of making purified water into alkaline water.

Rise of Ionizers

But technology has not stopped here now a top of line technology is available in market which is IONIZER. Japanese are responsible to bring this technology. This technology enables the customer to choose pH and ORP level of water. You can convert your RO water into desired alkalinity for drinking, for beauty purposes, for dialysis and for treating many diseases. However, this technology is very expensive. These devises use platinum plates to customise the alkalinity of water and are available for as high as three Lacs of rupees. This technology may become available to us at as low as 1 lac rupees in near future, when Indian brands start manufacturing these products.

But not too much is known as to why it is equally or more important to treat non-drinking water that we use in our daily life.

Treating Non-Drinking water

Importance of treating non Drinking water

Have you ever wondered that rest of the water which we use daily, for bathing, washing, cleaning the house and dishes and many more, is generally very hard. This hard water is basically consisting of crystals of Calcium and magnesium, which has tendency to settle on surfaces. This clogs our sanitary pipes, scales expensive bath fittings, scaling in Geysers’ heating element & tank, scaling in washing machines and dishwashers and it is the main cause of hair fall and skin issues. So, you lose huge amount of money to maintain sanitary pipes, bath fittings, appliances and top of all this our body’s external health deteriorates at an alarming level.

Conventional Salt based ion exchange technology

In India more than 70% geography has hard water. There have always been product and technologies available to Soften this hard water, but these Water Softeners have been very expensive, required frequent maintenance and has many side effects. This technology is called Salt based ion exchange resin-based technology, where Calcium and Magnesium ions are exchanged with salt. As a result, calcium and magnesium is extracted from water. This makes water soft. But the side effect this is that soft water gets excess of sodium, which causes Blood pressure.Calcium & magnesium is extracted from water which are extremely important for our bodies. So, we did soften the water but with many side effects.

Modern Salt Free MCHW technology

But technology advancement has made it possible to soften the water without sing such salts. One such very widely and successfully used technology is Salt free MCHW technology, where MCHW stands for Magnetic Conditioning of Hard water. These are commonly known as Magnetic Water Softeners.

Magnetic Water Softeners use the principal of magnetism. Hard water is passed through a chamber which has very high magnetic field caused by permanent rare earth magnets, Neodymium magnets. This magnetic field is created scientifically based on water flow and the amount of water needed to be softened daily. And on this basis only the number of magnets and magnetic field is decided. This magnetic field changes the molecular structure of water, breaks hard water crystals, re-structures the molecules to flow in a uni-direction and finally surface tension of water is reduced. Due to this change in physical properties of water, the hard water loses it tendency to settle on surfaces. Hence you get all the benefits of soft water. Many brands use combination of this Magnetic Water Softener with Polymeric Oxyionic Media (POM) to doubly protect from damage of Hard Water and has improved the efficacy to more than 95%. This technology is more reliable because of the 0 maintenance required, zero electricity, no water wastage, no side effect and most of all because it does not extract any minerals out from the water. This technology is becoming popular all over the world and people are using this Magnetic Salt free technology over Salt based Resin Technology. 

Conclusion: Final words
I strongly believe that both drinking and non drinking water needs to be purified in their own respective ways, because we don’t consume water only through our mouth. We consume it even through our skin and scalp when bathing.  Our overall quality is not only dependent on the drinking water but also on the non drinking water. From agriculture to washing to bathing majority of the activities are done via non drinking water and thus we all must make sure we are purifying the both for a healthy life in all aspects.

Author- Sandesh Srivastava, New Delhi

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