The audience’s favorite entertainment channel Zee Keralam’s hit serial “Manam Pole Mangalyam” took a long leap since its beginning. Kicked off with breaking the stereotypes, the serial had already turned into a milestone in television history. Arose with a different storyline, Daughter-in-law looking for a groom for her mother-in-law, Manampole Mangalyam in Zee Keralam has garnered the attention of the viewers with its progressive theme and the serial has become one of the most sought after ones among the Malayalam telly audience in a flash of time.

The serial which redefines the regular relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law and rewrites the conventional breaks down the usual character patterns and creates a novel visual experience. By shattering the stigmas prevailing around us in the case of relationships, Manam Pole Mangalyam sets a model to ensue. Directed by the hitmaker AM Nazir, the serial stars Swasika, Meera Nair, Niaz, and Boban Alummoodan in the lead roles won the hearts of the audience very shortly.

The recent promo video of the climax episode that surfaced online gives the hint of quite heartbreaking moments. The audience is eagerly waiting for this episode as they sympathize with the tragic trauma Meera is facing while hooked between Mukundan and Arvind Raja. Manam Pole Mangalyam climax mega episode will be telecast on January 2nd at 6:30 pm on Zee Keralam Channel.