Manav Subodh- Managing Director, 1M1B ( One Million for One Billion)


“As we anticipate India’s 2024 budget, it’s crucial to recognize the transformative potential of digital and immersive technologies. 

Artificial Intelligence: In a landscape increasingly shaped by AI, it’s imperative to harness its power as an equalizing force; one that can democratize skills and knowledge across different social strata – making quality skilling accessible to all. To realize this vision, I hope that the 2024 budget prioritizes the establishment of AI hubs and centers of excellence, even in Tier 2-3 cities. These platforms will foster innovation and make AI skilling accessible to the youth of our country  

Immersive Technologies: Furthermore, the emergence of Augmented and Virtual Reality infrastructure in schools can revolutionize traditional learning environments. By integrating virtual science labs in every school, we can offer immersive and interactive educational experiences that can prepare our students for a future where STEM proficiency is paramount. These can also be used to create job simulations and shopfloor experiences, and make our young workforce future ready. 

In conclusion, the 2024 budget should emphasize robust investments in digital infrastructure to unlock the untapped potential of our nation’s greatest asset – its youth.” – Manav Subodh- Managing Director, 1M1B ( One Million for One Billion)

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