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HomeLatest NewsUnion government approves INR 1.39 lakh crore additional outlay for BharatNet initiative

Union government approves INR 1.39 lakh crore additional outlay for BharatNet initiative


The union government has reportedly greenlit an additional outlay of INR 1.39 Lakh Crore for its flagship initiative, BharatNet. This ambitious project aims to extend last-mile broadband connectivity to 64 Lakh villages across India.

Union Government Cabinet’s Decision to Boost Last-Mile Optical Fiber Connectivity

Sources have informed The Hindu BusinessLine that the union government cabinet, during its meeting on August 4, sanctioned the latest round of funds. A top official stated, “Cabinet has approved INR 1,39,579 Cr fund for providing last-mile optical fibre-based connectivity to homes in all the villages of the country.”

Expansion Plans and Achievements

Around 19.4 Lakh villages have already been connected through the BharatNet scheme, and the remaining villages. And are expected to gain connectivity within the next two and a half years. This initiative is one of the world’s largest rural telecom projects, aiming to bring broadband connectivity to all 2.5 Lakh gram panchayats in India in phases.

Partnership with Village-Level Entrepreneurs

The forthcoming phase of the BharatNet project will involve collaboration with village-level entrepreneurs. Bharat Broadband Network Limited (BBNL), a subsidiary of state telecom operator Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited. It will provide training, equipment like routers and additional fiber optic cables, and guidance to entrepreneurs to establish connections at home.

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Empowering Entrepreneurs and Generating Jobs

This innovative model, following the successful pilot project, envisions empowering village-level entrepreneurs responsible. For connecting and maintaining internet connections in their respective villages. Entrepreneurs will be compensated through a 50:50 revenue-sharing arrangement between BBNL and local businesspersons. With monthly broadband plans ranging from INR 399 to INR 799. The initiative is poised to create 25 Lakh job opportunities and enhance digital connectivity nationwide.

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