VKC Pride, India’s leading PU footwear manufacturer has launched a unique ‘Shop Local’ campaign to woo the customers to nearby shops and help local neighborhood businesses flourish. The campaign is aimed at energizing local shops and quelling the threat of online marketplaces eating up local businesses. The Minister for Education and Labour, V. Sivankutty flagged off the revolutionary Shop Local Counter Culture by inaugurating the VKC Pride Shop Local Campaign. The campaign starts with Kerala and soon it will be rolled out in all other states of India. The campaign ropes in Indian Cinema legend Amitabh Bachchan to get the message across throughout the country.


“VKC Pride #ShopLocal campaign is about energizing the small-scale retail shops by attracting customers directly to these shops. Multi-National Online Marketplaces are becoming a huge threat to small retail shops. This must be addressed intelligently,” said Sri. Sivankutty, Kerala Minister for Education and Labour.


VKC Pride ShopLocal campaign is a revolutionary neighborhood movement to drive customers to the neighborhood shops when online businesses are attracting them to shop from online marketplaces.


“If every neighborhood can adopt this #ShopLocal Culture, it will help the Neighbourhood businesses thrive and help the neighborhoods flourish as it will create more jobs in the neighborhood and more money will change hands in the Neighbourhood itself as the money is not sucked out of the Neighbourhood by online marketplaces. Please join the #ShopLocal Culture Neighbourhood Movement to make your neighborhood beautiful and power India to prosperity,” said VKC Razak, Managing Director, VKC Group.


When every power brand across the world is trying to be a D2C brand and encourage the customers to buy directly from their own shops, websites, and portals, VKC Pride is encouraging the customers to buy from Neighbourhood Retail Shops to strengthen the traditional Distributor-Dealer-Retail Shop Network. VKC Pride is initiating a counter-culture to the modern Mall Culture and the Online Marketplace Culture.


Three Campaign Tools: VKC Pride #ShopLocal campaign uses three powerful tools to get shoppers to shop from neighborhood shops.


Weekly Prizes: The first tool is the VKC Pride 2022 Celebrations scheme that helps customers win a whole lot of prizes every week when they shop from nearby shops.


Modern Technology: The second tool of VKC Pride #ShopLocal Campaign is the new VKC Parivar App that helps online customers to shop from shops in their neighborhood by choosing the products on the App and picking them up from the neighborhood shops. Through the VKC Parivar App, every neighborhood shop can cover an area of 20 km.


The VKC Parivar App persuades online shoppers to shop from their neighborhoods so that they do not have to wait for days to get their products. The customers can also wear footwear and check the style using Virtual Reality on the VKC Parivar App.


Amitabh Bachchan Endorsed Ad-Less Ad: The third tool is the power of endorsement of the legend of Indian Cinema Sri. Amitabh Bachchan with a unique Neighbourhood Business and Prosperity film in India’s Pride My Pride ad series using the special technique of an ad-less ad pioneered by VKC Pride and originated by Breakthrough Brand & Business Consulting.


VKC Group Helps Neighborhoods Flourish: VKC Group believes that if Neighborhood Shops get more business the money that these retail shops make gets distributed in the neighborhood itself. This circulation of money in the neighborhood will help the neighborhoods prosper.


Multinational Online Marketplaces have become a great threat to Neighborhood Businesses. The MNC online aggregators are wooing the same customers that shop in the Neighborhoods with big offers to shop online. VKC Pride #ShopLocal Campaign is to help these Neighborhood Businesses fight the onslaught of MNCs in their Neighborhood backyards with the latest technology and the same weapons that MNCs use – be it offers or greater conveniences like Virtual Reality.